My oh my- time flies when you're having fun!
Donna Rocco has started and I finished clue 2 which was rather a short one, but that's ok. Maybe I get the chance to continue on the jacket I am working on now.
The photos show the choice of yarn colours, clue 1 and clue 2, where I am now starting to use the colours. I can't wait to see how the colours will blend in on this. Now I have to wait until next thursday to get the next clue. It is so frustrating to be working on another project in the meantime when I am having so much fun with this one. Now my daughter has asked for a Mia Bella for Christmas in black. I have already bought the yarn, but I really think I shouldn't start a third project. I'll only get confused...haha.
Oh well. Today the sun is out and I really should get going to enjoy some of this lovely day. After working all week, the weekends always seem so short. sigh!
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