I went to a baby shower for a friend's daughter's first baby. Wow! Hard to believe she is having her own child. I knew her when she was just a wee little thing.
I remember seeing her in the school play Alice in Wonderland. She was the Queen of Hearts. My children were still quite little at that time, but were amazed at the show their school mates put on. One could only dream to aspire to the same kind of talent. As it turned out, both my kids ended up taking drama class in highschool and my daughter was a ballerina up until she started work. So it must have had an impact.
I of course had to make something homemade. Not everyone likes home made things, but as luck would have it, Erin was worried that her child would never know the love that goes into making something for a little one. Well now she has something to put away when he outgrows it and give it back to him when he has his own child. I am sure a story will go along with that.
Now her mom has picked up knitting needles once again as well, so I am sure this little "nugget" as they affectionately call him, will have plenty in his memory box to oohh and aaah over in later years.
Here is a photo of the outfit I made. There is also a blanket that goes with it, but unfortunately no photo is available. All I can tell you is that it is made of camel colour Bernat Satin solid in an argosy pattern. It is the softest and warmest little blanky. I am sure she will get lots of use.
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