a close up
the "Aktion Sternenkinder" blanket
my version of the memory piece.
And then I looked outside and saw that it will be a gorgeous day today. This morning when we went for our walk it was already 11 degrees C. Now the sun is shining and it's quite lovely out. The dogs love it.
I took a little walk around my garden and this is what I saw:
Phlox - just a few little blossoms. The ants are eating this plant - buggers! Any one have any suggestions as to how I can get rid of those pests?
I have no idea what they are called, something liver.....but they're pretty.
red currents - the bush is full of buds!!!!
white currants - again full of buds!!! Hmmm. I can feel jam-time coming on....
That is if the birds or the dog don't get to it first. Ollie will steal my raspberries straight from the bush. Last year when I wanted some, he had gotten to them first and I'd always catch him in the act, that little thief. With any luck he won't like currants ( dream on - he eats anything).