Woohoo! Mia Bella, c'est fini!!!
She is done and drying and stretching on the spare bed. What a blast this KAL was! I am impressed. I have always wanted to make a lace shawl, but never had the nerve to try one. I always found it too overwhelming. Well, now it's complete and I am absolutely thrilled. I can't wait to use it somewhere.
Even my husband likes it!!!! Every time I picked up the knitting needles, he wasn't allowed to speak to me, because I would mess up on the counting. :)
He already asked what I am going to do now, since I am finished. And honestly, I have no idea, but I do need to find something else quick, that's for sure. Maybe I'll make another sweater.... a summer one....which means I have to go to a wool store.....oh he'll be so bored...haha..
Notice my helper? He always has to be around what I am doing. I'll have to watch the kitten though. She loves the string...